Although social media plays a major role in the Olympics, it maybe a threat to the sponsership. Acoording to the IOC's social media gudilines, the athletes are not permietted to promote any brand, product or service on any social media or wesites.For example, Gabby Doluglas would not be able to tweet about the bowl of Wheaties she had to help her win the gold medal.
The halo effect is when one product brings other people to shop the caterogy but they do not buy tha tfeatured product. An example of this would be someone going to Gaint Eagle to purchase a bowl of Wheaties but bought a box of Cheerios instead.
The box of Wheaties resinates with consumers as a quality product, which bulids brand equity. Brand equity is when a consumer is loyal to a certain product because they trust the brand and the quality of it.
The Nike Make It Count campaign refernces the Oylmpics without being an actual sponser by modivational sayings and reference pictures of the sports involved with their product. I believe that the athletes should be able to endorse products as long as it is portrayed in a positive manner. It would help promote the products so people will buy them.
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