Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Marketing New York City Trip

      Recently, the marketing classes at CFHS took a trip to New York City. The trip was so much fun and consisted of many a lot of site seeing. On the first day we arrived in Times Square around 3p.m. and shopped for a couple hours then headed off to Chinatown and Little Italy. We had dinner at a restaurant in Little Italy. Then we went back to the hotel to hangout after a long day. On the second day, we started off with marketing visits. The class was divided into three groups and each group was assigned to a specific business. My group visited JWT and met with a woman named Sara. She showed us around the office and gave us a presentation of what her career consisted of. After the visit we walked through Bryant Park and then went to Rockefeller Center. There we went to the Top of the Rock where you could see all of New York City. Then we all ate dinner at a delicious barbeque restaurant. After dinner we went to see Spiderman on Broadway. On the third day, we went to Carlos Bakery from the hit TV show Cake Boss on TLC. After we filled our stomach with the most delicious pastries, our class we went to the 9/11 memorial. We waited in line for 2 hours and 30 minutes but seeing the site was absolutely breath taking. Then we went on a ferry ride to see the Statue of Liberty since it was closed due to the hurricane. After that we walked on the Brooklyn Bridge and ate dinner in Brooklyn. On our last day, we took a carriage ride through Central Park and then went shopping on Fifth Avenue. I could not of asked for a better trip with my class and I cannot wait to come back to the city.

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